Perth Region of Heritage Roses in Australia

"From little things big things grow"
A Fascination with
Old Roses & Their History
The Perth Region is a branch of Heritage Roses in Australia, a national organisation that is represented in New South Wales, Queensland, ACT, Victoria, Tasmania and WA with a National Executive that represents these regions.
Heritage Roses in Australia began with an informal structure of people who were fascinated with old roses that had survived in the gardens of our early settlers or brought to Australia by enterprising nurserymen from the UK, France or Europe to fill the gardens with memories of “home”. Some of these old roses we find today, growing in abandoned farms, cemeteries and roadsides.
The precursor to establishing the Perth Region of Heritage Roses in Australia was the development of a formal structure that saw Heritage Roses in Australia become an incorporated body with an overarching Constitution. The National Executive of HRiA met in New Zealand in November 1990. David Ruston and Dean Ross spoke to Noelene Drage to discuss the formation of the Perth group (Minutes 1991) – the South West was already operating as a Regional Committee under Ruth Hoskins.
In February 1991, Rose Marsh was Coordinator of Western Australia, Lea Newing and Jamie Kronborg Coordinator of the Tambellup Area, and Noelene Drage Coordinator of Perth Area (see below for their stories).
April 1991
The first Annual General Meeting of the Perth Region was held on 21st April 1991 at the home of Carol Mansfield. Noelene Drage chaired it with Carol Mansfield. Present at the inaugural AGM were Lea Newing, Iris Leggatt, Lynne Chapman. Glenda Pearson, Lyn Williams, Barbara Gunther, Halina Lawrence, Elizabeth Dixon, Margaret and Tony Evans, Alice and Ron Ward, Janette and George Langley, and Peter Neville.
Perth Region Early Founders
Committee PRHRiA
We produce a monthly newsletter, full of information pertaining to PRHRIA. You will find past and future events as well as useful and interesting snippets and tips.