I saw this rose in a friend's garden last week. It is absolutely stunning! Can someone please identify it for us, and how do I take a cutting from my friend's rose bush so that I can grow it also. My friend has only been at her new house for a few weeks, so she doesn't know if the rose is hardy or not, and how often it flowers, if its susceptible to pests or disease. We know absolutely nothing! Help!

I will look forward to hearing how your rose grows in your garden.
Thank you very much for the info.
I @Abigail Hall . This rose is called Indian Summer and it is a hybrid tea rose, and I think it originated in 1937 from breeder Duehisen in the United States. It is a hardy rose that flowers for most of the year. Its not too thorny, and is a great climber. You don't really have to deadhead this rose, as the new flowers come almost straight under the old rose. It is mildew resistant, and I don't find that my Indian Summer is susceptible to any diseases. I guess it all depends on your location (your soil, micro climate etc). I hope this helps.